Evelyn and I met up with the Wantuck girls this morning for a playdate at the park - and boy did the girls have a great time!

They were both very interested in the recycled rubber tires that covered the playground's floor. And when I say "interested" I mean checking out the texture, smell and taste of these little nuggets - yummy.

Hello sweet Adyson!

The girls got a kick out of sitting on this bridge while Tory made it shake and roll like a mini-San Francisco quake.

The best of friends!

Our little hippie chick. Notice Evelyn's head band? Daddy did her hair this morning - and she LOVED it. Poor little baby has a big head like Mommy - as a matter of fact that's Mommy's headband! Just more room for her large brain - little Einstein.

The playground had little tunnels the girls crawled through - squealing and laughing the whole time!

Having a great time!

Adyson heading up the stairs all by herself!

She showed Evelyn how the slide worked, which was pretty cool. The slide is made up of a bunch of wooden rolling pins so that it doesn''t get too hot in the sun and kids' sweaty little legs won't stick to it. Genius!

Evelyn loved it too!

Bye now! Come back and see our blog real soon - ya hear?
1 Response
  1. The Tribe Says:

    Oh My....I love her. And I love your camera! She is so delicious. I will hold close to my heart, the fact that Jason did your daughter's hair. SO CUTE. I will have to send Claire his way if anything ever happens to her Mama!