It is so simple to entertain a toddler and her baby sister. Just pull out a large pink plastic container and watch the fun unfold!

Evelyn first had the brilliant idea of putting Aurelia in it and talking her for a little cruise around the house - I just had to get that on camera.

Once Evelyn pushed the tub to an ideal lounging location she could jump in there with Aurelia and relax a little.

AH! Sweet victory!

"Gimme those cheeks Sissy! I gotta get me some Ah-Ree-Ree kissies!"

Really can anyone resist? You want some too - I know you do.

Soon Evelyn was ready to move this party outside. She grabbed hats for both her and Aurelia and then headed for the door.

Thankfully she hasn't quite figured out how to unlock the door. I suspect it won't be long though.

Aurelia is a good sport and is open to pretty much anything her older sister suggests.

Once again the pink party tub was in a prime lounging location so Evelyn climbed in.

Aurelia was super happy to see her in there again. Everything was wonderfully perfect until...

...Aurelia had to go touch Evelyn.

But then she remembered she's the bigger sister and has to the power to step out of reach from her little sister...for now anyway. Aurelia will be mobile soon...VERY soon. :)

And now for their close-ups!

Blog you soon!
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