My girlfriend, Chandra, and I took the kids to the zoo this afternoon - it was a glorious day and we just had to be out in it - especially since we're supposed to get freezing rain tomorrow - fantastic news.

It's hard holding your large, so-not-compact camera while pushing a stroller, channeling your inner pack mule due to a diaper bag overflowing with all your baby "essentials," keeping tabs on a toddler who refuses to stay in the stroller AND capture every adorable and memorable moment with your camera - are the few I was able to snap.

I thought this was really cute.

Aurelia wasn't that impressed.

She could not, however, deny this adorableness. Look at that pucker kiss sass. Love it!

A picture for Daddy with his pink flamingos!

Evelyn and Ella keeping it real and practicing the buddy system. Cuties.

Boy do we love giraffes! Such elegant creatures with their long, beautiful necks.

At this point I knew it was time to wrap things up and head on home. For those who have not yet witnessed Evelyn telling me "NO" - this is pretty much what it looks like.

One last photo to nicely end this post.

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