If it wasn't for that beautiful, charming, singing, dancing and mesmerizing nanny, Mary Poppins - you wouldn't be reading any of these blog posts. She is my absolute saving grace - able to entertain both the girls and allow me to escape for a few minutes to the computer so I can share these adorable pictures...of the girls...watching Mary Poppins.
Evelyn was too excited at this point to merely sit...she had to stand, point, squeal and dance to the farm animals singing "Jolly Holiday." Really though...how COULD you sit?
The next day...Evelyn decided to take it easy and put her feet up while Mary Poppins, Bert, Jane and Michael jumped into a street painting and went on a fox hunt. She was kind enough to smile for the camera.
Aurelia assumed her usual position in the
jumperoo and was pretty thrilled when Bert rescued the fox...for the millionth time.
Relaxing and enjoying the show.
Jump to a few days later...
Aurelia hasn't been feeling too well due to some congestion in her chest, which interferes with her ability to breath, which keeps her up at night....which keeps me and Jason up at night. This particular afternoon she just couldn't stay awake and absolutely refused to sleep in her crib. So what did I do? You guessed it. I put on Mary Poppins and went to clean the dishes.
This is how I found my precious little baby.
She was fast asleep until the click of the camera shutter and the brightness of the flash woke her.
And then of course Evelyn, not to be left out, came over for a few poses.
And then required a private shoot of her own...all the while unable to break her line of sight from Mary Poppins.
Meanwhile...back on the couch...good ole' Mary lulled my baby back to sleep. God Bless her.
After the dishes were cleaned it was time for the bankers to sing their "Fidelity Fiduciary Bank" song. Let's just go ahead and admit it's a boring song and trying on daddy's flight boots is a much better way to spend 3 minutes and 33 seconds.
"That's right - I've got them both on. Now where to go?"
"How about back to Mary Poppins. Those bankers might be done soon and I don't want to miss the
chimney sweeps!"
"Whoa...it's a little farther than I thought."
"I'll just sit down and take them off here...and look adorable doing it."