Watch Out! Evelyn is now a free agent - able to climb out of her bed on her own (typically around 6:30 AM) and roam the house unsupervised while Jason and I continue to sleep like two lumps on a log...THANKFULLY her only desire at this point is to crawl into bed with Mommy and Daddy, cuddle and sleep another hour and a half.

When Aurelia wakes up she joins the party and we all relax a bit before starting our day.

A favorite breakfast item of ours is fruit. We'll sit down to breakfast - have our fill (or so Jason and I assume) and then move onto other activities. If we leave any fruit on the table it's a pretty safe bet that Evelyn will hunt it down and finish it off.

"Look Mom! I'm using a big girl fork!"

What do you have there Evelyn?

Look at that posture! What a little lady!


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