Evelyn got a brand new toy - her first TBall set! She and Jason had so much fun trying it out - look at the joy on this little girl's face.

Aurelia was having some fun of her own on a blanket in the yard.

Or was she...

"Hmmm...I haven't quite made up my mind yet. I could go either way."

"Yeah - no. I'm tired of being by myself. Pick me up!"

"Or maybe this grass is interesting enough to hold my attention a while longer."

Meanwhile...back at bat...Evelyn went inside to get her Gonzaga baseball "hattie" and continued to tear it up.

"Hey Daddy, can I have a kiss?"

So cute!

Check out this action shot!


Another fun activity? Balancing the ball while walking the stand down the sidewalk. Talented little princess!

After all that practice a little rest was needed.


We then headed inside and the girls took a bath together - YEP! You read right - TOGETHER!
Our little girl is getting so big!

Evelyn sure does like having a little bath buddy - MUAH!

Yep - everything is great and it's all smiles...

...UNTIL Aurelia goes after Evelyn's shampoo bottle. Look at that block!

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