Our fabulous friend, Jacki, left lovely Seattle to come visit us in humid, mosquito-infested Arkansas - we so appreciate it Jacki! We had a great time while she was here - we introduced her to the awesome game of Mexican Train, watched 20 episodes of The Smurfs, ate delicious food, drank incredible wine and had the best girl talk out on the front porch while unknowingly being devoured by angry, blood-thirsty mosquitoes - that's the power of Girl Talk people....well...that and delicious wine.
Evelyn had a particularly messy dinner so we stripped her down, slapped on her Crocs and went outside to play with the neighbor boy...who happened to be wearing his diaper too.
Hey..."When in Rome."
I think the ruffled top of her diaper adds a little feminine touch.
I guess Ms. Evelyn is a diva in her own right too.
I guess Ms. Evelyn is a diva in her own right too.
Speaking of divas - Helloooo Aurelia! Cutie pie.
I was so smurfed that night! :) I can tell by the fact that my eyes are barely open and I didn't even blink a (very squinty) eye as a battalion of mosquitoes attempted to devour me cannibalistic-style. Yesterday was the first day I didn't seriously consider amputation of my feet. The opportunity to drink some wine with you was worth every bite.
Let's do it again soon -- only next time, let's bring along some bug repellant.
Give your two beautiful girls a big kiss from me. Smoooch!