Well...this is an extremely overdue post...but what can ya do? I tell you - we are in survival mode here at the Shephard house. Two kids under the age of two is a LOT of work my friends...a LOT of work. So...over the next few days - perhaps I should be a tad more realistic and give myself a few weeks...I'll work to update this blog - we've been busy!

First off: AUNT BONNIE!

Evelyn was right on top of things and got her alone time with the magical, wonderful Aunt Bonnie right off the bat. I had to sneak in there with my camera and catch this adorableness - reading a book of nursery rhymes and loving every minute of it.

Then the two of them had breakfast with Minnie Mouse and Pluto - they came all the way from Disney Land!

Aurelia and Truman we're going to be left out - they jumped right in there too! As a matter of fact - this is pretty much the position Truman took the entire time Aunt Bonnie was here - she brought a special bag of treats just for him and was VERY generous in her portions. I think Truman was the most depressed out of everyone when she had to go home.

Evelyn fell down and got a boo-boo...there's nothing like Daddy's arms to make everything feel better. Cutie.

Typical Aunt Bonnie: smiling and laughing - it's contagious!

We were able to take Aunt Bonnie on a tour of Jason's plane - the C-130 J model.

All Aboard!

Aunt Bonnie said that after sitting on this seat - the same seat every airman or soldier sits on to travel back and forth to the desert - she would never complain about her seat on a commercial aircraft again...not too terribly comfortable.

Evelyn didn't seem to mind...that is until Daddy came and got all up in her "Aunt B. chili."

"You can call me Captain Duckworth."

Now this would make for a fun trip...

Just getting some fresh air - those long flights to and from the middle east are rough.

"Hi Mommy."

What a natural.

She looks good - doesn't she?

Group shot...yes...I was there. :)

Then Evelyn's favorite part of the day: Bath Time! Daddy taught her how to "kick and pull" in the tub - watch out Michael Phelps!

We miss you, Aunt Bonnie! Thanks for making the trip out here - we love you!!!

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