No witty commentary - just some cute pictures of the girls we wanted to share. We've been locked up in the house for the past month fighting off all sorts of fun things like RSV, double ear infections, conjunctivitis, raging fevers and sporadic fits of's been a blast.

We're exhausted but happy to be on the mend!

Enjoy the pictures!

I turned on The Jungle Book, put Aurelia in the Bumbo, walked away and came back to discover Evelyn had cuddled up next to her all on her own. I was lucky to capture this moment before Evelyn spotted me...and my camera.

"Hey there got your camera out??"


Daddy and his beautiful girls.

Bubble Afro in Mommy's tub!

Helping Mommy bake her 267th batch of cookies...did I mention we were quarantined for four incredibly long weeks in the house?

I caught Evelyn reading a book in her little bath boat...right before she heard the click of the camera shutter...

"Who's disturbs my reading?"

"Well you didn't tell me you had the camera Mom!"

Aurelia is now big enough for the jumper - and boy does she love it! Evelyn loves the fact that she's in here too - because now she can spin her around and around and around and around and around in that little suspended seat.

Right before Aurelia gets sick from all the spinning Evelyn lays a big kiss on her little sister.

I put Aurelia on her little play mat, left to change Evelyn's diaper and this is where I found her - she is one mobile little baby!

Evelyn can now climb up into the dining room chairs - apparently it's pretty empowering.

Hi happy baby! Aurelia is 4 months old now...where has the time gone?!

Evelyn enjoying a delicious meal - and the fact that Daddy got the camera out. :)

Mommy and Aurelia.

Evelyn has been spending a lot of quality time here - this is her "time out" spot..she loves to tell Mommy "no."

One passed out little girl.

We got three inches of snow in Little Rock and we've been enjoying every minute we can get outside.

Seriously...isn't she the most delicious thing you've ever seen???

1 Response
  1. The Tribe Says:

    I seriously cannot believe how much Evie looks just like you!!!!! It's like looking at a picture taken in 1980. Well, unless Jason's in the picture....then it's like 1992. Especially if there are shiny shirts involved.