Well - we only have one more day to wait until we get to meet the newest addition to our family! Jason and I will head to the hospital Tuesday morning around 5 am and my surgery is scheduled for 7:30 that morning. We are so excited to finally meet this little girl!

Peek-a-boo! 39 weeks!

My girlfriend, Tory is only one day behind me in her due date for her little girl. Can you believe how much bigger I am than my little friend? My stomach looks like its going to eat hers!

Our incredible, fantastic, wonderful and talented friend - Sammie - came over this afternoon to capture a few more precious moments of our growing family. My parents arrived yesterday afternoon so they were able to be a part of the photo shoot as well. We are so grateful for Sammie and all the priceless memories he has given us.

So much to be thankful for.

Well hello there Ms. Evelyn!

Giving Sissy some love. We can't wait to meet her!

One more day...

Evelyn Sandwich - so tasty!

Jason installed a hanging swing on the front porch and we all LOVE to sit out there in the cool mornings with our coffee and bottles of milk. Evelyn was enjoying a fruit gummy from Poppa - a much needed treat during this photo shoot!

Evelyn loving her special time with Gram.

Evelyn and her Poppa - checking something out in the neighborhood.

Our pretty little princess.

The whole family!

Tickle time with Evelyn!

I sure do love this man.

Ballerina Girl!

Dance Party USA with Gram!

Hello there. Nice to see you down here.

Me and my first baby - our chocolate child, Truman.

I just want to eat those little neck rolls!

Flying with Daddy! I don't think she's enjoying herself at all...

In other news...it's football season! Jason loves College Game Day and dressing Evelyn up in HIS favorite colors - Go Gators!

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