Ok - so we still haven't taken a picture of the four...or five of us yet - that would require too much work at this point - but we did take a few shots of the kiddos.

Things are going well here in the Shephard household - we're running on fumes with the amount of sleep we're actually getting but loving every moment with our two girls. Evelyn has been so incredibly sweet with her little sister - every time Aurelia starts to fuss Evelyn runs to get one of her favorite toys and then brings it to her sister in an attempt to soothe her. It just warms our hearts to see how much she loves Aurelia.

She absolutely LOVES her little sister!

"We're pretty cute - huh Mom?"

Giving Sissy a hug!

Giving big brother a hug!

Aurelia's "Blue Steel."

We gave Aurelia her first bath at home and were surprised at how much she LOVED being in the water. She was so incredibly calm. The NICU nurses taught us a method of bathing her that involved keeping her swaddled in a blanket while submerged in the water - it worked like a charm!

Calm, happy baby loving her bath.

Our sweet little water baby.

Daddy doing a great job!

Poppa and Gram were there to help with Aurelia's first bath...she looks a little uncomfortable - but trust me...that was one happy little girl! :)

We captured a private moment between Poppa and Aurelia...so sweet.

"Come see us again real soon! I promise to harass Mommy to post some new pictures!"
Our little miracle, Aurelia Rose, was born Tuesday, September 15 at 7:57 AM weighing a healthy 9 lbs. 7 oz!

Aurelia is the name of a Catholic Saint - an Austrian princess who gave up her crown to escape an arranged marriage. She lived the remainder of her life in the mountains as a recluse devoted to God. Aurelia is also a derivative of the Latin word "aurelius" which means "gold" or "golden." So Aurelia is our Golden Rose.

One last photo before we meet baby! 39 weeks!

Daddy shot - waiting to come and join Mommy in the operating room.

Welcome little one!

It didn't take long for the doctors to realize something wasn't right with Aurelia. They whisked her out of the operating room before they had finished putting me back together again and took her to the NICU. Aurelia had aspirated a bunch of liquid on her way into the world, which we learned is a 10% probability with c-section deliveries. When a mother goes into labor her contractions send a message to her baby that his/her time in there is coming to an end, to stop "practice breathing" amniotic fluid and to prepare to meet the world. Then when the baby passes through the birth canal any liquid still in the lungs is squeezed out by the time they take their first breath. Well, with a c-section there is no "warning" - the baby is just sort of yanked out of the womb and then doesn't pass through any tight passage to help rid his/her lungs of fluid.

Once in the NICU Aurelia had two catheters inserted through her umbilical cord, which delivered antibiotics and other essential drugs. The doctors also placed a tube down her throat that reached into stomach in order to keep air out and then put her on 100% oxygen.

I wasn't able to visit Aurelia for 24 hours since I wasn't allowed out of my bed. Jason would go down to her room and take pictures and video of her and then bring it back to my room so I could feel a little connected to our daughter. It was really tough on both of us - but I married an amazing man and he did everything in his power to help alleviate my sorrow. Jason wasn't able to hold Aurelia any of the times he saw her and he had to make those difficult visits by himself... but no matter how hard it was on him - he always came back to me with a smile and a positive outlook - just for my sake.

The wonderful NICU nurses made this pretty sign for our little princess. Every one we dealt with down there was absolutely incredible and as difficult as a situation as this was - it was comforting to know our little girl was being well looked after by decent, loving people.

Evelyn met her sister for the first time and I missed it...but Mom and Jason took some great pictures for me. When Evelyn saw Aurelia for the first time she kept saying, "Aaby! Aaabby!" She was so eager to give her sister hugs and kisses and was a little upset she couldn't get closer.

Jason told me when Aurelia started crying Evelyn shook her head and said, "Nooo...nooo!" Then she started whimpering too. What a sweet older sister!

Early the next morning they removed Aurelia's catheters and feeding tube. The only thing she was still on was oxygen but they had reduced it from 100% to 30%.

She was now sleeping in this little incubator to help keep her warm.

Day two in the hospital - Evelyn, Poppa and Gram come back for a visit and we ALL head down to see Aurelia! Jason was terrified I wasn't going to make it down to NICU or back on my own so he made my dad bring this wheelchair - just in case. I was able to walk both ways but as you can see the chair did get some use - Evelyn thought it was a great ride!

"That's MY sissy Mommy!"

"It's OK Sissy...you'll be out of there soon."

This was an emotional moment - holding my daughter for the first time - more than 24 hours after her birth. What a wonderful feeling!

And little miss Evelyn was even there! She thought it was pretty neat her sissy was out of that box and she could get a good look at her!

My sweet, sweet little girl - in my arms at long last.

Hello there little princess.

Daddy holding Aurelia for the first time! What a joyful day!

Evelyn finally able to give her Sissy a hug!

We would go back to Aurelia's room for every feeding. I would nurse her and then Jason would give her supplemental milk in order to make sure she maintained her weight so we could take her home. On her third day in NICU they released her! Doctors said it was nothing short of a miracle! They had NEVER seen a baby with as much liquid in her lungs as Aurelia had. When she first arrived in NICU they were confident she would be on a respirator for at least 6-10 days. They were AMAZED at the rate of her recovery and the fact that she NEVER had to be on a respirator! THANK YOU, GOD and thank you to everyone who prayed for our little girl!

Getting a print of Aurelia's tiny little feet.

Jason brought the same shirt he was given when Evelyn was born so he now has both girls' prints on the same shirt. Evelyn's are on the right and Aurelia's are on the left. What a proud and handsome Daddy.

All clean and tube free and finally sleeping in our room!

Gram and her newest grandchild - number 7!

So happy to be out of NICU and with the rest of the family!

"Hey there Sissy! Would you like some of my cracker? It's delicious!"

Our pretty little golden rose.

Heading home! Hooray!

Daddy and both his little girls - home at last!

Poppa and the Shephard girls.

Evelyn enjoying some delicious chocolate covered pineapple that Plastic Kara sent us this morning - it's our FAVORITE!

It wouldn't be a family blog if we didn't post a picture of the chocolate child. Truman is adjusting well - this isn't his first rodeo after all. :)

Aurelia enjoying a food coma.

As pathetic as this is - I just realized this is the only photo of the four of us! Mom caught us all in bed this morning. I promise to post some better ones soon!
Well - we only have one more day to wait until we get to meet the newest addition to our family! Jason and I will head to the hospital Tuesday morning around 5 am and my surgery is scheduled for 7:30 that morning. We are so excited to finally meet this little girl!

Peek-a-boo! 39 weeks!

My girlfriend, Tory is only one day behind me in her due date for her little girl. Can you believe how much bigger I am than my little friend? My stomach looks like its going to eat hers!

Our incredible, fantastic, wonderful and talented friend - Sammie - came over this afternoon to capture a few more precious moments of our growing family. My parents arrived yesterday afternoon so they were able to be a part of the photo shoot as well. We are so grateful for Sammie and all the priceless memories he has given us.

So much to be thankful for.

Well hello there Ms. Evelyn!

Giving Sissy some love. We can't wait to meet her!

One more day...

Evelyn Sandwich - so tasty!

Jason installed a hanging swing on the front porch and we all LOVE to sit out there in the cool mornings with our coffee and bottles of milk. Evelyn was enjoying a fruit gummy from Poppa - a much needed treat during this photo shoot!

Evelyn loving her special time with Gram.

Evelyn and her Poppa - checking something out in the neighborhood.

Our pretty little princess.

The whole family!

Tickle time with Evelyn!

I sure do love this man.

Ballerina Girl!

Dance Party USA with Gram!

Hello there. Nice to see you down here.

Me and my first baby - our chocolate child, Truman.

I just want to eat those little neck rolls!

Flying with Daddy! I don't think she's enjoying herself at all...

In other news...it's football season! Jason loves College Game Day and dressing Evelyn up in HIS favorite colors - Go Gators!