I apologize for the tardiness of this post. I started this a week ago and am just now getting around to organizing all the photos and to writing my witty commentary.

Last Saturday, December 5th, we had Aurelia baptized at St. Edwards Catholic Church. It was a beautiful ceremony - Aurelia didn't even cry once - she was absolutely angelic!

I, on the otherhand, teared up for most of the sacrament - it was so beautiful and I was so incredibly happy. Look at my wonderful little family!

Poor little Evelyn wasn't feeling her best though. The night before the christening she ran a 103 degree fever and hadn't shaken it by the next morning - poor baby. She was a trooper though...

We asked our best friends, Katie Davis and Dave Lawton to serve as Aurelia's Godparents and I don't think we could have picked another couple more perfect. She is one lucky little girl.

That day was even more special because we had so many loved ones fly into town to help us celebrate. We had three out of the girls' six grandparents here - Betsy, Doug and Jane.

We also had a great group of friends here in Little Rock who came out to be a part of this special day for our family. What a good looking group.

Afterward, we all headed back to Casa de Shep for a celebratory brunch - doesn't this look yummy??? Notice the little baby cage around the tree - it's worked like a charm!

Having a little something to eat put Evelyn in a better mood - little cheese ball.

Our little angel was all tuckered out from a day of soul-cleansing.

And we can't forget big brother! Good boy.

All in all it was a wonderful and incredible day. We wish you all could have been there!
We took Evelyn to her very first haircut this evening - and boy was she a champ! It was no big deal - as a matter of fact we're pretty sure she enjoyed herself. When we left the salon Jason was already calculating how much money he's going to spend on cuts, colors and styles with three lovely ladies in his family! Can we say, "Ca-Ching?"

Evelyn wasn't too sure at first about this whole haircutting business.

Then her hairdresser introduced her to her very first lollipop...

"Hmmm...this is interesting."

Daddy held it for Evelyn while she piloted her red plane.

Evelyn soon took control of the lollipop...

"Jeez this thing is delicious."

"Yup...I'm getting my hair done and flying a plane. No big deal. I'm 17 months old."

"Seriously though...everyone should get one of these."

"What a tasty delight."

The only time Evelyn really got upset was when the haircut was over and her hairdresser took her lollipop away.

But then Daddy spun her around in the plane a few times and all was right again.

It was a great experience for all and I'm happy to report that Mommy didn't cry either.
Just a few shots of the girls that we've taken over the past couple of days.

Our big girl Evelyn. Hard to believe she's 17 months already. Where has the time gone? I guess time flies when you're pregnant! Ha!

The first of MANY pictures Mommy and Daddy took.

The first of MANY matching/coordinating outfits Mommy will dress them in.

What did I tell you?

Evelyn knows just how to calm her sissy down. What a sweet older sister.

I caught Evelyn catching up on some work while she ate her breakfast the other morning.

Apparently it was a breakfast meeting with one of her co-workers.

Our Besties, the Wantucks, are heading back to Germany this Monday...and we are so incredibly bummed. Adyson and Evelyn became the best of friends over the summer and it is truly going to break my heart knowing they won't see each other every day - so we've been trying to get as much time with them as we possibly can. This past Wednesday the guys had Veterans Day off and so we all went out to breakfast at Mimi's Cafe and then headed to the park to play in the awesome weather. We, of course, had to start off with the swings!


Evelyn channeling her inner "Elton John" with her new pink sunglasses Daddy bought her.

Turns out Adyson has an inner "Elton John" too.

Even Adam joined in on the fun!

Since Aurelia and Sydney couldn't join the girls on the swings they decided to come over and tell them all about the fun they had and give them kisses before running off to their next adventure.

"Sheesh sheesh!"

Love that smile!

"Go Air Force! Woot woot!"

"I sure do love you, friend."

Parks are so much fun for little Evelyns!

My beautiful friend who I will miss dearly.

After our fun at the park we headed off down the road to the lake to feed the ducks. This is how the little ones traveled - aren't they delicious?

Sweet Sydney.

Adyson was in charge of gathering all the bread.

She was sweet enough to share with Evelyn.

The girls and their dads calling the ducks over. Unfortunately they never came - I think Abby, the ferocious attack dog, was too terrifying for the little duckies.



Beautiful Adyson.

This was the only way I was able to snap so many pictures - Tory had to hold my feisty, little Aurelia...she's what you might call a little high-maintenance...Aurelia - not Tory.

Working hard for the money! Notice Evelyn's little hand - holding her bestie - does it get any cuter???

I could just eat her up!

Adyson and her daddy relaxin' in the sun and enjoying a much needed rest.

Love you guys!