We woke up to a winter wonderland Monday morning - it was GLORIOUS! Everything was covered with inches of snow - it was FINALLY winter and absolutely beautiful.

I was so excited to bundle the girls up and go play in that fabulous snow! I skipped back to Evelyn's room and this is how I found them - enjoying two hot cups of coffee (I'm not sure the girls even know what tea is - but they are WELL aware of what a cup of java is in this house!) I had to patiently wait while they finished their morning cups before I could even suggest getting them dressed.

"Cream and sugar Sissy?"

BUT....we finally made it outside!!! Poor little girls didn't have any snow pants so we layered them up Arkansas style - leggings, two pairs of socks and some trusty blue jeans!

Aurelia was in LOVE! She definitely embraced her inner Alaskan!

Evelyn loved the snow too - my little snow princess!

But not as much as Tru-baby! That dog went WILD in the snow!

My hunk-o-burnin' love!

Our neighbors, and besties, came outside to play too. Isn't this picture cute - two daddies with their sweet little girls.

Aurelia couldn't get enough of the snow...

...it tasted so refreshing and delicious...

...REALLY delicious.

Jason threw the girls into a sleigh and they were off squealing and laughing the whole way!

Afterwards it was time for hugs and kisses...

...so sweet! And warm too!

Adyson was having a BLAST outside as well!

As was little Sydney Bean.

And so was Admin (Adam).

And Tory too!

Tory even took Adyson and Evelyn on a seriously fast and fun ride on the sled!

You can almost hear their squeals through this picture.


Jason braved the icy Arkansas roads to bring back essential supplies from our friendly Walmart like ingredients for white turkey chili, whole milk and UNO. The roads were treacherous though - and his trusty truck got a flat tire...

...and I do mean FLAT.

Jason's got some great buddies though. They came out and gave him moral support (one from the comfort of his warm truck) while Jason changed the flat.

All in all it was a fabulous day. We spent it together as a family playing outside in the snow, huddled around a cozy warm fire and getting down in a friendly competition of Wii Dance Party - I don't even have to tell you who won THAT competition. :-)

I LOVE Snow Days!